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Monday, May 24, 2010

Oh, and one more thing

Okay, two more things. One, in less than a month it will be a one year anniversary for me and my blog. And two (this happened a while ago) MALIK GOT HIS EARS PIERCED!!! At Claire's!!!! And his Mom let him get a Facebook- FINALLY!!!

Peace, I'm back. I have a few secrets that I am bursting at the seams to tell, but they are not mine to tell and I think they would get a lot of people in a lot of trouble. Oh, why did I make her- uh, them- tell me???

On that highly elusive note, I will mention that


  1. Something about the Mocad.
  2. First day of summer vacation.
  3. I get to change my earrings. Wh-hoo!
  4. My library books are due.
  5. That's all for now.

Number 3 reminds me, at this fair I made a ton of money and spent it all on earrings I can't wear until next year. Five pairs! One of them is made of brown seed, it's a dangly in the shape of a flower. Another (my favorite) is made from those swirly shells, cut into 2-cm slices and dangling from my earlobes. Also a pair of danglies made from bike parts- muy cool- a pair of danglies that consist of a bunch of tiny silver rings all interlocking, and this king that is made of coconut. I can't really describe it, it's like a real wide ring with a stick that connects the two sides and goes through your ear. I'll badger Dad until he takes photos so I can show y'all.

Peace, bye.


Saturday, May 8, 2010

Me and sixth grade again

As we all know, sixth grade has less than six weeks left. I was just reading my old "Me and 6th grade" post, and I thought I'd do it over and see just how much everyone's changed.

Me: I'm the same, only older and wiser, plus I have pierced ears and blue hair.
Madison: a good friend of mine. She can be a snot sometimes, but it's worth it in the end,
Raven: a silly, goofy girl who's a little spoiled and naive but lots of fun.
Gwyneth: a really pretty redhead girl who worries about her weight too much. One of my all-time besties and tons of fun.
Martel: really smart guy who's kind of weird and a loner but also a good friend.
Zoey: a really funny, fun, sunshiney girl who's nice to everyone and seems like a goody-good but is not and is very weird in the best way.
Billy: Zoey's best friend. Kind of quiet-seeming and creepy but also really funny and weird.
Akwia: a tall athletic girl (she's a girl right?) who's very intimidating and kind of scary at first, but once ou geet to know her she's funny and nice. And sarcastic.
Talia: seems like a snobby queen bee at first, but once you get to know her out of school she's very funny and friendly. At first I thought she was a superficial snob, but now she just seems like a funny girl who has lots of good ideas, she just likes to be stylish and wear makeup.

Dyani: a short, silly girl who loves manga and InuYasha. She's one of my best best best best best best best best best friends ever and she's not as violent as she used to be.
Maya: my other BBBBBBBBBFE and a silly girl who has lots of good ideas and patience. She used to annoy the crap out of me but now me, her and Dyani are BFFs and our secret (shhhh!) names are ME: Adrian, DYANI: Ezboj Tennis (to get ezboj you go one letter down the alphabet so A=B, B=C, etc, and Tennis is Sinnett backwards minus the extra T because Sinnett is her last name) and MAYA: Rae or Raeanne.
Aedan: he's really annoying sometimes, but sometimes we get along.
Bradley: he's alright, I guess, I don't really hang out with him.
Jordan: a silly, kind, fun girl who likes horses and woodworking and Aerial Yoga. She hangs out with Myanni (Maya + Anna +Dyani = Myanni) a lot.
Siera: a small, boyish athletic girl, and Akwia's opposite in every way except that they're both athletic tomboys and best friends. Tons of fun.
Owen: he's okay, except when he's on a sugar-high. Let's just say that in our play, he was the perfect choice for "Aristides the Just".
George: despite his protests, we're friends. He's funny and short and the long-suffering only male Winds player, meaning when the String group is in music, he's the only boy in our handwork class.

I think that's it. Horatio and Irie left awhile ago, and Maya's in Hawaii and I miss her soooooooooooooooo much. I'm going to cry so hard at the end of the year.

And Miss Reed is a great, awesome, funny teacher who is probably the best teacher I've ever had except that my fourth grade teacher Miss Dugliss gave me a PlayStation and cussed out the boys when they picked on me. But really, Miss Reed is great and she does NOT pick favorites, ever.



It's always been this big dream of mine to have ten followers on Blogger. So can you imagine my delight when I signed in and saw, next to the name of this very blog, "SIX FOLLOWERS"!!!!? I'm positively ecstatic! So what if three of them are family members? So what if "it's only six"? I, ANNA CATARINA JUPITER KEMP, PEN NAME ADRIAN MOSS, HAVE MORE THAN ALFWAY TO TEN FOLLOWERS!!! Thank you all so much!


Sunday, May 2, 2010

MY NEW EARRINGS!!!!!!!!!!!

I GOT MY EARS PIERCED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Finally! I don't have any pics yet, but I'll put up earrings similar to the ones I got. I had it done at Claire's. At first I didn't do it, because they wouldn't let me get one higher up, too, and I was like, "Well, whatever. I don't want to get my ears done at a store that plays Justin Bieber anyway," but then I changed my mind and totally went for it. It was SO PAINFUL! The first one was like a wicked pinch, and the second was like a bee sting. They actually pierce it with the earring, so it's super sharp and hurts :^( but in 6 weeks (sigh) I'll be able to take them out and put in the other ones I bought! Super smile

My earrings that I bought afterwards are like this only red.


Saturday, May 1, 2010

BIRTHDAY SHOPPING! (And a Coraline graphic novel!)

As y'all probably (should) know, the 23rd was my birthday. I'm twelve now! Woo-hoo! And now it's the Saturday, y'know, a week later, I'M GOING B-DAY SHOPPING! I'm getting my ears pierced (probably), one hole in each earlobe, plus one higher up in ONE ear. And I got three gift cards to Borders plus $20, so that's $75 (do the math yourself). AND I'M ORDERING THE CORALINE GRAPHIC NOVEL!!!