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Thursday, June 25, 2009

Me and Bubblegum Cigars

Well, the first thing I will mention is the inspiring awesomeness of the Cosmic Candy Company. They're super awesome and they have the yummiest, cheapest candy.
The first thing I recommend trying is their dill pickle popcorn. It is insanely delicious and I loved it. It's three bucks a small bag, but (in my humble opinion) is totally worth it.
Then you should try one of there softball sized jawbreakers. Actually, they're a bit bigger than softballs. I haven't tried them yet, but I bet my booties they're delish.
Then . . . BUBBLEGUMK CIGARS!!!! So yummy . . . I recommend the Pink Owl.

Well, the Moms is shouting at me to get my butt off the computer and brush my teeth, and I think I better. Ciao!

xoxoxo minky

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

my quiz plz take

plz take my quiz on quibblo- what singer are you?


Me and Playing the Trumpet

Okay, if any of you bozos remember my first post, then you'll know I play the trumpet. Pay attention, snoutie, 'cuz that's what this post is about.
Well . . . at the beginning of fifth grade I found out that everyone would be choosing an instrument. In Waldorf schools, you play violin until fifth grade and then you pick an instrument. I had to be a Winds, because I had no violin experience whatsoever. 
Ms. Rembert assigned me french horn because the Winds were one french horn short . . . of having one french horn. Unfortunately, french horn was like $250 a week rental not exaggerating!!!
But . . . I found out that we had some trumpets lying around the house. (We had a trombone too but I did NOT want to be next to Adrian!) I tried so hard to get a tone out, private lessons for six months. But- *hops up and does a jig*- I practiced and practiced and practiced and look! I got first chair over a two other girls and a boy in sixth grade who's been playing for 2 years! *Hums tune to self*
Of course, my trumpet is super beat up. Here's the really embarrassing part- my mom and dad found it at Value Village, like twelve years ago- for $25 bucks. That's ten times less than it would cost to rent a french horn for a week.
But I don't really mind, because hey! We got it for practically free!

xoxoxo minky

Too Early

Morning, Sunshine. The mourning doves are moaning, the sun is a-rising, the big moth on my window refuses to leave . . . it's going to be a great day.
Speaking of . . . you all know that sound a mourning dove makes? Like a dry whistle followed by a long moaning coo? Well, now that I'm in major dove territory, that once-beautiful, haunting coo is my greatest fear. It thoroughly prevents all sleep, and I cannot stand it.
I'm usually the sleeper-in in my family (I'm also the insomniac), so being up before everyone else is quite a first. *Cue round of quiet applause so as not to wake up sleeping family*
It is approximately 8:00, and I've been on the computer for approximately 2 hours, so . . . I was woken up rather rudely by a harsh coo at approximately 6 am. The horror!

xoxoxo minky

Monday, June 22, 2009


Possibly the best website I have ever been on. So funny! 

I'm basically just posting this to tell you to get your butt over there NOW!!!

Some of the funnier features are Fail Blog, Engrish, Lolcelebs, Look-alikes, and of course Lolcats.

Get yo booties over there and check it out pronto!!!!!

xoxoxo minky

Chocolate Milk & Hamburgers

Two of the yummiest American foods. I'll start with the chocolate milk.

Chocolate milk: Yummy, creamy, chocolatey, in my tummy.

Hamburgers: I can't describe it. Like . . . a symphony of angels. The onions, the mayonnaise, the cheese, the pickles, the ketchup, the bun, and more importantly, the burger. So good!

xoxoxo minky


Okay in this post I will teach you how to play a game my friend Malik (see post number one) made up. It's called HAMSTER NINJAS. This game is supposed to be played on a trampoline.
So, you pick someone to be the CorpseBreath. It can be any person. The CorpseBreath goes on hands and knees in the middle of the trampoline (this game is better played on a round trampoline) and tries to tag the Hamster Ninjas.
The Hamster Ninjas are whoever is not the CorpseBreath. They bounce around trying to avoid the CorpseBreath. If they get caught by it, They go back a level. They have certain weapons that can be used against the CorpseBreath. Here is a list, by level.
  1. Nothing (the hardest level)
  2. Green Hand (clap your hands to distract the CorpseBreath to you. It's a sacrifice)
  3. FireSpores (knocks out the CorpseBreath for 5 seconds. Each player has 2)
  4. ForceField (cross your arms and the CorpseBreath can't get you. Lasts for 5 seconds and each player has 2)

After that, you're on your own. Ciao for now!

xoxoxo minky


Okay so I'm at Pentwater with Poppy and my 7 year old cousin Phoebe and we want to put on a play. I kind of wrote the script as I go along. We are doing Cinderella, and I'm Cinderella. Poppy's the stepsister, and Phoebe's the stepmother. She's also the prince. Poppy is the fairy godmother and the royal official that announces the ball.
Phoebe is really jealous of Poppy because both the stepsister and the fairy godmother are fat, and Phoebe wants to stuff pillows up her shirt. 
It's so fun! I was making it up as I went along in my head, so I just told them what to say. We haven't performed it yet. We're going to practice for a few days, and then we'll perform it.
Well, that's really it. Thanks for reading (if you did), and wish us luck!

xoxoxo minky

My Classmates

Okay, I just wrote this, but I accidentally published it before I put in any text!!! How lame . . . 
Okay, complete list of my class. (As of last year)

Kamil: Short, loudmouthed kid with a really high voice. He hates me and makes fun of me. One of the "Elite Four" (most athletic kids in the class).
Alex: Kamil's sidekick. Talks too much.
Akwia: Very athletic girl. Kind of mean. Part of the Elite Four.
Gwyneth: Nice girl. Red hair. Very adorable sister.
Raven: Gwyneth's best friend. Really loud and annoying. Huge girly-girl.
Kendall: One of the Elite Four. Best friends with Simone.
Me: You know about me. I'm kind of the loser of the class.
Zoey: Nicest girl in the class. Lives next door to the school. The teacher is her dad.
Billy: Quietest kid in the class. Zoey's best friend.
Madison: Bossy girl. She's drop-dead gorgeous but her personality is less than beautiful. Friends with Kendall and Simone.
Simone: Beautiful girl- NOT! A guy I like really likes her, so of course I hate her to death. Final member of the elite four.
Margot: Loud, annoying, bossy, mean, all the best parts of her personality. You'd think having mono would have calmed her down.

Well, that's it. Ciao for now!

xoxoxo minky


Stinky winky binky pinky sinky linky rinky dinky tinky finky zinky MINKY!!!

A stupid poem by minky.

xoxoxo minky

The Rudeness of Ron

There is an idiot I know. He used to be in my class, but he got kicked out, if that tells you anything (it should). For some reason I email him.
So, this morning I was checking my email, when his name pops up on my buddy list. Being the friendly person I am, I send him an email. I wait 5 . . . 10 . . . 15 . . . 20 . . . 30 minutes, with no friggin' reply!!! So I send him another. And another. And another. Finally, I send him one saying if I don't get a fricken reply in ten seconds, I'm signong off. And what does he do? Nothing!!!

What a butthead. Send me all your spam, I'll forward it to him.

xoxoxo minky

Addicted to Blogging

Me again. Well . . . I didn't go down to the beach. Yet. I tried, but I could not resist the temptation to stay up here and blog. *Sigh* I am impossibly addicted to blogging.
But it's so fun. You can just say whatever you're thinking in your head. Ack- I have an itch on my shoulder!
Okay, well, I was saying, you write whatever pops into your head. It's so cool!

Hm, what to write . . . OMG, I'm not thinking anything! I'm such an idiot . . . *conks head on table* Isn't it, like, impossible to not be thinking? The girl who defied the laws of nature. I should really be down at the beach.
Oh, here's Aunt Christie. She's whispering about something. Now she's setting down bags of . . . something. I wonder what.
Well, since I am obviously a  complete and utter idiot, I will stop this post before it gets any stupider. Bye!

xoxoxo minky

THE BEACH!!! (and Ludington: my recent joy, sadness, then happiness)

Okay I think it is good beach weather. The sun it is beating down very hot, the water it is freezy cool, and the sand it is sticky and good for sandcastles. I think I might run down to the beach (89 steps), play in the sand awhile, stick my big toe one centimeter into the water, and run screaming back up to the cottage (89 steps). Lovely day for swimming.
If you have never rented a cottage at Pentwater I can tell you it is very nice here. The water close to the shore is a light cerulean blue, and at the sandbars it is white-blue. Then when you really deep it's a lovely light periwinkle blue. How I love the beach.
I love swimming but I prefer warmer waters, so I'm really more of a pool person. However, I will not pass up a good swim, whether it's in a pool, lake, ocean or sea. We had a pond back at my old house that we would splash around in, too.
Well, this has nothing to do with the post, but we went to Ludington yesterday and it was very very very very very fun. We ate lots of yummy food (joy), and then we went on a walk and got ice cream. I meant to get a delicious lemon sorbet, but they gave me a mint chocolate chip (sadness)!!! I cried the way home. Then, Sid didn't want her ice cream. And it was (drumroll please) . . . A LEMON SORBET!!!!!!!!
I of course ate her sorbet and after that I was very happy. Um . . . the end.

xoxoxo minky

All About Violet Blue

When I make the actual blog it will be from Violet's perspective but this is just about her.

Violet Blue: Big fluffy dark smokey blue bunny. She is an angora bunny so she is turning into a sweater my mom is making right now. Quite violent.

List of Violet Blue's good qualities.
  • She is very pretty bunny.
  • Very soft.
  • She has long soft ears with grey tufts on the ends.
  • She looks like the bunny from Monty Python and the Holy Grail if it was angora.
  • We make sweaters out of her.
  • She makes a good sweater.

Okay now her not good qualities.
  • She is very violent.
  • She is rude.
  • She bites.
  • She scratches.

Hmmm . . . maybe I had better make a blog about Pepper instead.

xoxoxo minky

New Blog (maybe) Alert!

Okay I was looking at Sassy Sasha's blog and I got the greatest, if not most original, idea for a new blog. A blog for my bunny Violet Blue!
Well I do not have many pictures of Violet Blue so I will put a new post right soon about her. Maybe I should also do one for Midnight? 
Okay so in my next post I will write a lot of stuff about Violet Blue. Sorry, this is not a big post but I wanted to just get this written down. Sorry!

xoxoxo minky


Hey everyone super amazing news! My blog- current events (of minky's life)- finally has a follower!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just started my blog yesterday, so this is enormous news! Oh, and let's not forget... A big round of applause for Chicamom85!!!!!!!! She is the creator of the best blog in the universe (so far), Sassy Sasha the Loveable Shih Tzu!
So, please anyone who happens to read this blog, post, or sentence fragment, FOLLOW IN HER FOOTSTEPS!!! I WOULD LIKE SOME MORE FOLLOWERS!!!
Or, if you could just leave me a comment that would be great! :>

xoxoxo minky

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Sassy Sasha, I ♥ you!!!

Oh my God, I just saw the cutest blog!!! It's called "Sassy Sasha The Loveable Shih Tzu" (I think). It's the best blog ever! It's even better than mine, and that's saying something (jk)!
I'm more of a cat person, plus my cat Stormy (see post number one) got eaten by a dog, but I have to admit, that dog is the cutest!!!
Well, I don't have any time, but I just wanted to say THANK YOU to the creator of Sassy Sasha for making that blog- I couldn't live without it!!!

xoxoxo minky

Me And Remembering People's Names

Me again. Hey, what can I say? It's a good day for blogging.
Okay. The point of the blog. *deep breath* The deep, dark truth about me is that I can never remember people's names. Example: My friend Abby (see post number one) takes me to the pool with her. After a little while, Abby-gull (Abby's nickname. Abigail= Abby-gull) gets bored of playing around in the little kid's end. She sees some of her friends in the deep end. So we go over there and say hi to them.
"Anna," she says, "This is Katy. Katy, Anna."
We hang out for a while, and then I'm like, "Hey, um . . what's-your-name!"
Being the patient person she is (Thank you Katy, and I'm sorry!), she gently straightens me out.
"Katy," she says. "My name is Katy."
Over the next few hours, though, she gets kind of annoyed. Thank God it was time to leave! I was so so so embarrassed!
So, if you ever meet me, please understand if I keep calling you "Katy".

xoxoxo minky

Goin' To Ludington

Okay so basically we're on vacation now. We're renting a cottage at Pentwater right by the (lake/sea/ocean?). Poppy and cousin Phoebe are down by the (lake/sea/ocean?), and, well, I'm up in the kitchen, blogging. Joey (my grossmutter) just unplugged the charger for the laptop so she can plug in her hairdryer, and the noise is super annoying. 
So, yeah, we're going to Ludington (hence the name of the post) for dinner. I think. If we are going for din-din, we're probably going to the restaurant- yum! They have the BEST fish-n'-chips, and I usually get a Blue Sky too. Then we might go to this lovely yarn shop (although not as lovely as our own CityKnits back home, I-hope-you're-reading-this-Mrs.-Nice-Owner-Lady), and I will knit myselk (oops, myself) a nice parka and die from heat prostration. 
Myselk. Myselk. Hey, that's a pretty funny word. Maybe I should add that to my List of Funny Made-up Words. 
Well, that's pretty much it for this post. See ya round!

xoxoxo minky

About Me- Minky

Hey peeps, Minky calling. This is my first entry, of course, so I'll say a little about myself. I'm 11 as of 2009, my birthday's on April 23rd (I like presents :3), and I'm a female (duh). I'm big on animals, manga, and I basically just like reading and drawing in general. I write stories, so I'm going to have a blog with those, too.
My actual name is not Minky, it's Anna.
Well, that's pretty much it about me. Now my life.

I have two parents, thank God (even though I'm not religious), and one sister. She turned nine on May 4th, and her name is Poppy (nickname: Popsalot).
I have 5 cats, 4 hamsters, and 2 bunnies. Well, really 4 cats, 'cuz Stormy just died. Here's a brief summary of all them.
Kazu: Stormy's little brother. 14 years, longhair (not Persian), red-brown with white spots. Male. Likes lentils and soybeans. Personality: kind of shy and cautious. Walks on tiptoes with his tail between his legs. Big, guilty eyes. Status: Bottom of the pecking order.
Midnight: Dragon's sister. 5 years, short hair, silky black fur. Female. Likes catnip and milk. Personality: aloof and arrogant, but friendly after coming in at night from the rain. Walks with her head held high. When she's friendly, she'll jump in the air to get petted. Affectionate nips. Status: Top of the pecking order (after Stormy died).
Dragon: Midnight's sister. 5 years, short hair, calico. Female. Likes sleeping in the sun. Personality: usually punch-drunk. Walks like a drunkard. Fur like toothbrush bristles. Status: 2nd of the pecking order.
Wasabi: A stray we found in the rain. We found him scrawny, fattened him up, and then thinned him out again. Estimated 2- 2 1/2 years (found on Halloween), silky short hair, grey-brown tabby. Male. Likes being adored and fawned on. Personality: Aloof but energetic. Gorgeous and knows it. Walks with his head high and his tail straight up in the air. Fur like dusty old rug. Status: 3rd of the pecking order.

Now the bunnies . . .

Violet Blue: Angora. Thick, blue-black fur. Female. Top of the bunny pecking order. Ferocious. Tends to bite. Given by classmate Zoey Trombley.
Pepper: Dwarf. Short, ultra-soft brown fur with black speckles (hence the name).
Docile. Small, soft ears. Bottom of the bunny pecking order. Given by classmate
Madison Becigneul-Koonter.

Poppy's hamsters: Germ and Amoeba. Black Dwarf Russian hamsters. Brothers.
My hamsters: Chooey and Obama. (Chooey= short for Choobacka.) Tan Dwarf
Russian hamsters. Brothers.

Whew! That does it for the pets. Now my friends.

Malik: Nice guy. Has many, many pets including a leopard gecko and a chameleon
named Little Neena. Likes manga as much as I do, likes animals even more. Lives next door to us. 12 years old. Very forgiving.
Abby: My very best one friend. Blond hair. Insanely tall. 10 years old, but she's
almost a foot taller than me. Super gorgeous and really cool. Has a mangy old cat
named Harriet and a ferocious puppy named Belle. She's going to be the one to bail me out of jail in ten years,
Lexi: My other best friend. I like her about as much as Abby, but I see her more, so
she might be my best friend (her and Nora). Sorry, Abby! 13 years old, super gorgeous, and she loves manga. I've never been to her house, but I bet it's really cool. She and Nora will be the ones sitting next to me going, "Dang that was fun!" She goes to the same school as me and Nora, but she's in 8th grade.
Nora: Me and Lexi's other best friend. She's 12, but shorter than me. I would kill
for her gorgeous, black silky hair. She's from Honduras. She has a crazy little sister
named Dyani, and Dyani's in 4th grade. Nora is in 6th grade, one grade above me.

Okay, those aren't my only friends but they're my best friends so I'll just put them.
At last, I must say goodbye. *Waves* See ya!

xoxoxo minky