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Friday, September 10, 2010

The Best Teacher In The WORLD EVER!!!

I didn't really realize it, but I heard my classmates talking about music with her, and they were saying stuff like, "Do you listen to Kanye West? Do you listen to Eminem?" and other god-awful drivel when I decided to ask her about GOOD music. So we can agree on Regina Spektor, Nirvana, The Beatles, and a bunch of other stuff (I can't remember it all! Grrrr!) and she also read Eats, Shoots and Leaves. We were debating the merits of the Oxford Comma (I'm against, she's for) and reached the conclusion that it's needed when there are only Independant Clauses but if there are non-Independant Clauses then it's unnecessary. And I also know a rhyme for commas. "Cats have claws at the end of their paws; a comma's a pause at the end of a clause." Nice. She has a book called "The Deluxe Transitive Vampire" (I think) that she's going to bring in Monday. I HAVE THE BEST TEACHER EVER!!! And I actually learned something really useful today.


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