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Sunday, June 21, 2009

About Me- Minky

Hey peeps, Minky calling. This is my first entry, of course, so I'll say a little about myself. I'm 11 as of 2009, my birthday's on April 23rd (I like presents :3), and I'm a female (duh). I'm big on animals, manga, and I basically just like reading and drawing in general. I write stories, so I'm going to have a blog with those, too.
My actual name is not Minky, it's Anna.
Well, that's pretty much it about me. Now my life.

I have two parents, thank God (even though I'm not religious), and one sister. She turned nine on May 4th, and her name is Poppy (nickname: Popsalot).
I have 5 cats, 4 hamsters, and 2 bunnies. Well, really 4 cats, 'cuz Stormy just died. Here's a brief summary of all them.
Kazu: Stormy's little brother. 14 years, longhair (not Persian), red-brown with white spots. Male. Likes lentils and soybeans. Personality: kind of shy and cautious. Walks on tiptoes with his tail between his legs. Big, guilty eyes. Status: Bottom of the pecking order.
Midnight: Dragon's sister. 5 years, short hair, silky black fur. Female. Likes catnip and milk. Personality: aloof and arrogant, but friendly after coming in at night from the rain. Walks with her head held high. When she's friendly, she'll jump in the air to get petted. Affectionate nips. Status: Top of the pecking order (after Stormy died).
Dragon: Midnight's sister. 5 years, short hair, calico. Female. Likes sleeping in the sun. Personality: usually punch-drunk. Walks like a drunkard. Fur like toothbrush bristles. Status: 2nd of the pecking order.
Wasabi: A stray we found in the rain. We found him scrawny, fattened him up, and then thinned him out again. Estimated 2- 2 1/2 years (found on Halloween), silky short hair, grey-brown tabby. Male. Likes being adored and fawned on. Personality: Aloof but energetic. Gorgeous and knows it. Walks with his head high and his tail straight up in the air. Fur like dusty old rug. Status: 3rd of the pecking order.

Now the bunnies . . .

Violet Blue: Angora. Thick, blue-black fur. Female. Top of the bunny pecking order. Ferocious. Tends to bite. Given by classmate Zoey Trombley.
Pepper: Dwarf. Short, ultra-soft brown fur with black speckles (hence the name).
Docile. Small, soft ears. Bottom of the bunny pecking order. Given by classmate
Madison Becigneul-Koonter.

Poppy's hamsters: Germ and Amoeba. Black Dwarf Russian hamsters. Brothers.
My hamsters: Chooey and Obama. (Chooey= short for Choobacka.) Tan Dwarf
Russian hamsters. Brothers.

Whew! That does it for the pets. Now my friends.

Malik: Nice guy. Has many, many pets including a leopard gecko and a chameleon
named Little Neena. Likes manga as much as I do, likes animals even more. Lives next door to us. 12 years old. Very forgiving.
Abby: My very best one friend. Blond hair. Insanely tall. 10 years old, but she's
almost a foot taller than me. Super gorgeous and really cool. Has a mangy old cat
named Harriet and a ferocious puppy named Belle. She's going to be the one to bail me out of jail in ten years,
Lexi: My other best friend. I like her about as much as Abby, but I see her more, so
she might be my best friend (her and Nora). Sorry, Abby! 13 years old, super gorgeous, and she loves manga. I've never been to her house, but I bet it's really cool. She and Nora will be the ones sitting next to me going, "Dang that was fun!" She goes to the same school as me and Nora, but she's in 8th grade.
Nora: Me and Lexi's other best friend. She's 12, but shorter than me. I would kill
for her gorgeous, black silky hair. She's from Honduras. She has a crazy little sister
named Dyani, and Dyani's in 4th grade. Nora is in 6th grade, one grade above me.

Okay, those aren't my only friends but they're my best friends so I'll just put them.
At last, I must say goodbye. *Waves* See ya!

xoxoxo minky

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